Gardener's beware!
As the alluring smell of irresistible herbs and a freshly spruced garden of wonderful antiques and art take over Renninger's Antique Center in Mount Dora on Saturday June 30, 2012 from 9:00AM until 4:00PM RAIN OR SHINE!! This will be the first of many yearly Antique/Vintage Garden Shows at this location. There will be antique dealers specializing in garden themed antiques, artists with garden art, landscape experts, fresh flowers, herbs, ornamentals, and lovely ideas for your home and garden. JOIN US IN THE NORTH PAVILION!
The November Extravaganza at Renningers in Mount Dora, Florida. I visited on Friday and Sunday. There was much to see. Have a look.....
I would like to introduce you to Toni Moody, Antique Buyer & Decorator to Central Florida resale shops. I first met Toni about a year ago at Peggy's Antiques at Renninger's Antique Market in Mount Dora, Florida. She is the buyer and decorator for Peggy's... which happens to be one of my favorite places to visit. If you're a regular to Thrift Happy you may have seen this picture before. It is from my very first visit to Peggy's.... I love the garden decor... Toni's latest display at Peggy's is an adirondack look.
Peggy's Antiques is located at Renninger's Antique Center in Mt. Dora. When you pull into Renninger's there is a lot to see. There are several buildings also a huge flea market outside. The antique center is the building on the right. Peggy's location is D19. Now on to the will love them. I hope you enjoyed the pictures....Peggy's Antiques is open on Saturday and Sunday....Stop by and tell her you saw her booth on Thrift Happy. Click here if you would like your Renninger's Booth featured on Thrift Happy. Now offering special Rate for Renninger's Vendors!Thanks for staying tuned...The Antique Extravaganza was to large to post on just one day. Now on to the Street of Shops.... Outside the main building there was a small street lined with individual stores. There were several stores that were for sale...How much fun would that be to buy your very own shop. After leaving the street of shops I wandered back outside to see some more booths. It was here that I ran into my friends Carmen and Robin from Antiques & Uniques. They had a booth and were having a great time at Renninger's. The remainder of the pictures are unusual to say the least. Renninger's was a blast...from the beautiful items to the unusual...there was so much to see.
Thrift Happy continues to grow daily. All states are in the process of being added. Submit your favorite store! Enjoy!